The PerfBloc Network


Nodes associated with the PerfBloc Protocol are classified under the following roles:

  1. PerfBloc nodes (shortened to node for brevity) - Nodes that serve as relay nodes in the PerfBloc network.

  2. Auditors - Nodes that ensure that the relay nodes or relay networks (defined below) areabiding by their performance and SLA guarantees.

  3. Miners - Block producers in blockchain platforms that use the PerfBloc relay network to propagate packets and blocks.

  4. Full nodes - Users (wallets. merchants. etc) that use the PerfBloc network to receive the latesttransactions and blocks from the blockchain platforms they are interested in.

These roles are not exclusive. A miner or full node can also act as a PerfBloc node.

Relay network. A set of PerfBloc nodes that cooperate with one another to propagate packetsamongst themselves and deliver them to miners or full nodes as per the protocol of the users usingits services with pre specified SLAs in advertised geographies.

The PerfBloc network is a marketplace of such relay networks where multiple relay networks competeto carry blocks for the same blockchain.


The working of the PerfBloc network can be broken down into four parts: creation, management,packet propagation and monitoring.

Once a relay network is created using a set of available PerfBloc nodes, it is important that thenetwork be smoothly managed so that poorly performing individual nodes do not harm the networkas a whole. Miners are subscribed to all relay networks serving the blockchain they mine on ancrandomly pick a few relay networks to publish blocks to. These randomly chosen relay networks areexpected to notily and deliver blocks to all subscribers with pre-negotiated perlormance guaranteesA monitoring mechanism in place ensures that delaulting relay networks are penalized.

The PerfBloc network has a native token POC. POC is required by PerfBloc nodes to be a part of arelay network which entitles them to lees collected by the network, The value of POC required to bestaked is not only a function of their expected revenue but also a rellection of the cost to its usersin case it fails. Stakes are slashed in case the relay network fails to deliver blocks or transactionswithin certain tine limits.

The initial issuance of POC is 63 billion pieces, and additional issuance will be carried out later based on ecological construction.

Whether or not a relay network fails to meet its guarantees is monitored by a decentralized networkof auditors. A Schelling scheme 6 is used to incentivize the auditors to report results correctlyOur goal is to keep the auditing scheme independent of the relay network and allow third-partyreporting schemes'o to be plugged in as and when it is mutually acceptable by both relay networksand its users.

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